Friday, September 30, 2011

6 Key Tips for a Good Relationship

We don't want ourselves to be in trouble, Do we? For people who are committed to their soul-mates, Trouble often comes from their most beloved. Having troubles in a relationship is not at all wrong, it usually comes from being too possessive, extra-caring or differences in personal opinions on a certain intriguing aspect to both of them. In most cases, matters are settled out.

However some cases go to the extreme and has a bad result. So, in order to have a trouble-free and good relationship, follow these 6 key tips, that will definitely put away most of the problems in your relationship.
  1. Friendship :- With friendship, I mean be jovial to your partner. Be good to him/her, communicate heartily, make sure that brings good cheer to both of you. Keeping it happy for him/her is the ultimate thing.
  2. Trust :- Once you commit yourself to your partner, Trust is must. It is pivotal to run relationships. Trust your partner with promises, make sure you keep your promises too. In case you have broken the trust between yourself and him/her and yet patched up again (It's great actually..), it's really tough to get back the same trust, it takes a lot of time, So why not avoid it?
  3. Honesty :- Be honest and tell the truth, it will actually increase the love between the two of you. Don't lie in any case, it leads to the worst when the truth is out and in most cases, in some or the other way, the truth is or rather gets revealed.
  1. Freedom :- Don't be too possessive, it's like grabbing away their freedom. Though there is love for you, they get irritated quite often, which may cause troubles later on. Let's give them their freedom and intervene wherever required (You have to think carefully, when to intervene).
  2. Communication :- Very important. You generally have many many things that you'd like to say, but unable to because of your improper communication skills. Tell him/her things and personal opinions or whatever you feel, boldly without worrying too much, there's nothing wrong in saying things because after all he/she is the person with whom you share things. However, in the early stages of your relationship, it's better not to comment on their personal opinions and thinking.
  3. Understanding :- Your partner may be going through some troubles in some sticky situations, like family-matters, a small fight with sis or bro etc. So understand his/her state of mind and act accordingly. However don't create a fuss about that situation and instead try to divert their mind, try to chill it up by making them happy. Make sure there is equality between the two of you.
There you go, 6 key tips to maintain a healthy relationship. Still haven't found out the solution for your problem, drop a comment and I'll get back to you as soon as possible

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