Friday, September 30, 2011

Cleaning the Prefetch Directory

WindowsXP has a new feature called Prefetch. This keeps a shortcut to recently used programs.
However it can fill up with old and obsolete programs.
To clean this periodically go to:
1.Star / Run / Prefetch
2.Press Ctrl-A to highlight all the files
3.Delete them
now enjoy to highspeed

how to stop the Messenger Service

To remove the ability for anyone in the world to pop up messages on your computer,
you can disable the Messenger service.
  1. Click Start->Settings ->Control Panel

set your Capslock, Numlock, Scroll Lock to start window

If you want to set the startup state for any or all of these keys,
you just need to edit the registry.

Easy Way to Share Multiple Folders

If you need to share multiple folders, running the program SHRPUBW.EXE  will bring up a simple dialog box to let you:
  1. Browse to the folder you want to share
  2. Enter in a Share name
  3. Ender in a Share description
  4. Set permissions. Several choices are available
  5. Restart the process from within the same program

Identify your fault device drivers

If you are having problems with lockups, blue screens, or can only get to safe mode,
often the problem is due to a faulty device driver.
One way to help identify them is through the use of the Verfier program

how to change the user type

Normally in XP Pro, through the Control Panel / User Accounts icon, you are only allowed to create administrators or limited users.
If you want to create

make your picture smaller

When you try and send pictures through e-mail, you should normally be given the option to make them smaller.
If this option is not available, a DLL file may need to be registered.
  1. Start
  2. Run
  3. regsvr32 shimgvw.dll

how to view your ip address

There are several ways you can determine your IP address information:
  1. Start / Run / cmd
This opens a command window. One advantage is that you can send the information to a text file (IPCONFIG /ALL > c:\ip.txt)
But sometimes the window shows show much information you need to scroll around to fine it.

Running CHKDSK

One way to run a chkdsk (this is like Scandisk that was with Win9X), is to
  1. Double click on My Computer
  2. Right click on the drive you want to check
  3. Select Properties
  4. Click on the Tools tab
  5. Click on the Check Now button
  6. Check to Automatically fix file system errors - This is the same as running chkdsk /f
  7. If you want to Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors, check that box - This is the same as running chkdsk /R. It can also add a lot of time to the scan
  8. Reboot if necessary
You can also run chkdsk from the command line with will give you more options.
The following switches are available:
/F - fix any errors
/R - identifies bad sectors
/V - with FAT32, displays a verbose output
With NTFS Volumes:
/I - Performs simpler check (stage 2)
/C - Skips the checking of cycles within folder structures
/X - Forces the volume to dismount if necessary.  Intended for server administrators and should be avoided for normal use

show common tasks in window

When you open a window from My Computer or the Control Panel, and you don't see the blue bar with additional options on the left side, you may simply need to turn on Common Tasks.
1.goto tools/folder option
2.Check Show common tasks in folders

Reset your adminitration or user's password

You do not need to reinstall if you forgot the admin password.

There is a boot disk you can download at:

that will let you reset the password of any account on NT4, Windows2000 or XP.

Just follow all the default settings which are for the admin account. Used it many
times with great success.

They also have a bootable CD image you can download.

How to hide the Manage option from My Computer

If you want to remove Manage My Computer from My Computer
  1. Start Regedit
  2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer
  3. Create a DWORD value called NoManageMyComputerVerb
  4. Set the value to 1
  5. Reboot

important shortcut for computer

Quick web address

Type the name of a web site such as 'myspace' into your browser's address bar and press CTRL+Enter to automatically add http://www and .com and be taken to the site.

Save a web page picture

To copy a picture from a web site on to your computer, right-click the image and select Save Image As or Save Picture As.

How to hide your important data from other users?

Normally when you need to secure your important data from other users, then your first choice is to burn it on CD or put it to removable drive instead of hard drive. But imagine if your data size is more than 100 GB then it is not easy to burn it on CD. No worry, you can save your full drive from other users access using this trick. 
Perform the given steps to hide your system data partition: 
To enable this feature, you will need to be logged into your computer with administrative rights. 
  • First click on Start button to open "Run" and type "CMD" (without the quotes) then press Ok button to open Command Prompt.

Now type diskpart on the blinking cursor and wait for 5 seconds to appear diskpart> utility.
To show the list of volume, type list volume command after the diskpart> prompt, this command will show you all system drives detail.

if you need to hide F drive then first type select volume 2 (in this case) and press enter button.
After loading volume, type remove letter F (in this case) to hide F drive.
Now exit from command prompt and open My Computer to verify drives. 
But next time, when you want to unhide the D drive, just run assign drive F command after loading volume 2

6 Key Tips for a Good Relationship

We don't want ourselves to be in trouble, Do we? For people who are committed to their soul-mates, Trouble often comes from their most beloved. Having troubles in a relationship is not at all wrong, it usually comes from being too possessive, extra-caring or differences in personal opinions on a certain intriguing aspect to both of them. In most cases, matters are settled out.

How Do I Quit Smoking

Are you a chronic smoker? Are you desperate to quit? Did you long for that moment when you held your first cigarette between your two fingers, desperately wanting to go back to that moment and change it? Smoking is primary cause for several Lifestyle Diseases, with Lung Cancer topping the list. Under stressful situations, people often fail to solve their problems and retort to smoking. It begins in the most lethal age, Teenage and starts to settle into your life. When they blow the smoke, they imagine poohing it into their problems or onto someone's face whom they dislike.

Mobile Phone Software

hi today i will give you some mobile software address

Opera Mini: Opera mini is the most helpful browser for mobile user. It is used for internet browsing.

Web address:

Google Latitude: This software shows your location to your friends. You need to have internet to navigate this site.

Skype:  To chat from mobile download latest version.

There are some same type of messenger sites:,

Games: You can get free mobile games from these sites:

Facebook: You can use Facebook through mobile.

Web address:
For more mobile service visit,  

Increase RAM Speed

RAM(Random Access Memory) controls the speed of your PC. If your PC is overloaded with software PC speed will slow day by day. Or if you use lots of software at the same time you will not get full performance. There is another thing for which you will get slow speed of your PC.
When we use Window XP lots of Page File created. These Page files work as a virtual memory. They are also cause of slow speed of RAM. You need to clean these files. You can do these automatically when you shut down PC.

Tips to Stay Focused on your Goals

I was browsing for some tips and advises on how to stay focused on our goals and I found this excellent post written by Celestine Chua of Dumblittleman. She has outlined the basic structure of setting up goals and how to achieve them without losing our concentration.

Balance your life with Inner Peace and Strengths

In today's world, with hectic lifestyles, Balance in life is really important. Though people often say that they have a balance in their life, Very few people actually possess it. However it can be developed by everyone, with self control, controlling our emotions and not getting influenced by events in the surrounding environment. To put it simply, all you need is a bit of common sense and good judgement and not let the outside world affect your inner world. Haven't there been several instances, when we let emotions overwhelm us completely, Lost our temper, Showed Impatience and then regretted about them later.

Tips to Motivate Yourself

Are you going through a prolonged period of lows? Do you get depressed easily due to some unfortunate happenings? Yes Indeed, In such cases, you tend to depend too much on others to get you motivated and get back to things at a normal pace. People who lack motivation for a long time, satisfy themselves with mediocrity and fail to realize their other impressive talents. You cannot always depend on others to motivate you, People around you may get irritated, or they maybe no one when most needed and you really can't rely upon everyone for your motivation.

How to Develop a Positive Attitude

I really hope it were child's play but developing positivism needs time and commitment. However, there are things you can do it make it fun and the results are certainly worth the effort. I think you’ll notice that once you get going, being positive on a regular basis will get easier for you. As you repeat exercises consciously, your subconscious will learn from that repetition and eventually take over for you.

Techniques to Build a Positive Attitude

Before we start, This question cropped up in my mind, Do we really need a positive attitude and Do we have to worry about the buzz around this when we have such a fast-moving and modern lifestyle? 

How to Control Your Mind - Choose Consciously

 Few people are aware of the thoughts that pass through their minds. Thinking is performed like a habit, in an automatic manner. If the thoughts are positive, then it is all right, but if they are negative, they may cause trouble.

Money is a good Servant, but a Bad Master

Money is the second God — goes the saying. In a sense, that is true. The wheel of the whole universe of activities centers round one point — money. Money buys wealth, happiness, even love sometimes. Mankind all over the world kneels down to it. Truly speaking, there is hardly any job on earth that money can not accomplish. True, money is very powerful. But what is the nature of its power? Being a part and parcel of our daily life, does it deserve the honour (u) r we give it?

What is Web 2.0

The concept of "Web 2.0" began with a conference brainstorming session between O'Reilly and MediaLive International. Dale Dougherty, web pioneer and O'Reilly VP, noted that far from having "crashed", the web was more important than ever, with exciting new applications and sites popping up with surprising regularity. What's more, the companies that had survived the collapse seemed to have some things in common. Could it be that the dot-com collapse marked some kind of turning point for the web, such that a call to action such as "Web 2.0" might make sense? We agreed that it did, and so the Web 2.0 Conference was born.
In the year and a half since, the term "Web 2.0" has clearly taken hold, with more than 9.5 million citations in Google. But there's still a huge amount of disagreement about just what Web 2.0 means, with some people decrying it as a meaningless marketing buzzword, and others accepting it as the new conventional wisdom.
This article is an attempt to clarify just what we mean by Web 2.0.
In our initial brainstorming, we formulated our sense of Web 2.0 by example:

Web 1.0 Web 2.0
DoubleClick-->Google AdSense
Britannica Online-->Wikipedia
personal websites-->blogging
evite--> and EVDB
domain name speculation-->search engine optimization
page views-->cost per click
screen scraping-->web services
content management systems-->wikis
directories (taxonomy)-->tagging ("folksonomy")

how to be a leader

People have many different definitions.
 Here's a few to get you thinking:

  • Leadership is guiding and showing the the way for other people and helping them work together to find direction.  It's getting people to cooperate and do things together.  It means you can lead a group.
  • Leadership is the ability to be looked upon as a role model.
  • Being a leader is being able to stand up for what you believe in.  It means you help to make new ideas, you don't just follow old one.
  • Leadership is the ability to lead people or represent them.  It all starts with responsibility.  Your actions not only affect you, but everyone you represent.

Top Brain Foods

 Did you know there are certain foods you can eat to make your brain function better? It’s true.

Just like every other organ in your body your brain needs proper nutrition to function at peak levels.

There is a wide list of factors to consider when deciding if a food is brainy enough. Foods that are good for your brain can improve your mood, make you more motivated and improve your overall mental performance.

We all know a diet that is high in fat is bad for us. Not only does it wreak havoc on our physical body it can also be a cause of depression and aggression. However, when you really pay attention to the types of fats you are consuming fats can be very beneficial.

 Top brain foods contain fatty acids called Omega 3. Diets that are laden with the wrong kind of fat have been proven to undermine intelligence. In contrast people who consume good fats have higher intelligence.

These good for you Omega 3 fatty acids are found predominantly in fish, nuts, fruits and vegetables. There are also dairy products, drinks such as green tea and beans that can be beneficial to your brain.

Here are a few of the most common in each category.

Fish - The two best brain food fish are salmon and tuna. These two species are especially high in the good kind of fat. One thing to consider with fish however is that because of mercury content you should eat these types of fish just a few times week.

Nuts - Many nuts including cashews, almonds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and peanuts can be food for your brain. Your brain loves nuts and seeds and gets a lot from them. They are chocked full of things to keep your brain feeling young and sharp.

Fruits - When it comes to fruit your top  brain health choices are blueberries, cherries, acai berries and cranberries. Fruits that are high in antioxidants provide great nutrition for the brain.

Vegetables - The top brain vegetables are brussel sprouts, eggplant and peas. Tomatoes, spinach and cauliflower are also solid choices for giving your brain a little extra nutrition.

Beyond the given examples there are many other foods that offer you good nutrition and can be considered brain foods. The idea is to try to eat at least one of them daily if not more. The other healthy thing you can do from a nutritional point of view for your brain is whenever possibly avoid bad fats. These fats make your brain lazy and your body unhealthy.

My Favourite Pets

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fahrenheit to centigrade & Centigrade to Fahrenheit

  float fer,cent;
  int a;
  printf("To convert centigrade to fahtenheit type '1'\nTo convert fahtenheit  to centigrade  type '2': ");
                printf("Enter temperature in centigrade:");
                scanf("%f", &cent);
                printf("\n Fehrenheit equivalent is : %.2f", fer);
                printf("Enter temperature in Fehrenheit:");
                scanf("%f", &fer);
                printf("\n Centigrade equivalent is : %.2f", cent);

About Bit & Byte

 8 Bit                  =1 Byte
1024 Byte          = 1 Kilobyte or 1KB
1024 Kilobyte    = 1 Megabyte or 1MB
1024 Megabyte  = 1 Gigabyte or 1GB
1024 Gigabyte    = 1 Terabyte or 1TB
1024 Terabyte    = 1 Petabyte or 1PB

The classification of programing

There are many types of programing.
According to the level of programing. Programing are three types
i.High-level language

ii.Mid-level language
→a) C

iii.Low-level language
→a) Assembly

What is program

Program: To process a particular set of data, the computer must be given a set of instruction is called program. These instructions are entered the computer then stored in a portion of computer memory.
When a computer program is executed the following things to happen
1.        A set of information is entered the computer called the input data then it stored in a portion of computer memory.
2.        The input data will processed to produce certain desired results known as the output.
3.        the output data and perhaps the output data will be printed in a sheet of paper of show in the monitor.

How to create a birthday calculator


int pd,pm,py,od,om,oy,nd,nm,ny;

printf("enter the present date example-30 12 2000\n ");
printf("enter the date of birth example-\n ");

if(pd>=od && pm>=om && py>oy)
printf("your age is\n years=%d\n months= %d\n days=%d\n",ny,nm,nd);
else if(pd<od && pm>om && py>oy)
printf("your age is\n years=%d\n months= %d\n days=%d\n",ny,nm,nd);
else if(pd<od && pm==om && py>oy)
printf("your age is\n years=%d\n months= %d\n days=%d\n",ny,nm,nd);
else if(pd<od && pm<om && py>oy)
printf("your age is\n years=%d\n months= %d\n days=%d\n",ny,nm,nd);
else if(pd>od && pm<om && py>oy )
printf("your age is\n years=%d\n months= %d\n days=%d\n",ny,nm,nd);

else if(py<oy)
printf("invalid your input    \n INPUT AGAIN");

if(ny>13 && ny<20)
printf("Ohh u r a teen ager");


Types of Programming Language

The 12 most widely used languages:
  • C
  • Java
  • C++
  • PHP
  • Visual Basic
  • C#
  • Python
  • Perl
  • JavaScript
  • Embarcadero Delphi
  • Objective-C
  • Ruby

Types of Programming

There are some types of programming
  • Compiler optimization
  • Concurrent programming
  • Declarative programming
  • Event-driven programming
  • Functional programming
  • Imperative programming
  • Literate programming
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Parsing

Programming Language

Different programming languages support different styles of programming (called programming paradigms). The choice of language used is subject to many considerations, such as company policy, suitability to task, availability of third-party packages, or individual preference. Ideally, the programming language best suited for the task at hand will be selected. Trade-offs from this ideal involve finding enough programmers who know the language to build a team, the availability of compilers for that language, and the efficiency with which programs written in a given language execute. Languages form an approximate spectrum from "low-level" to "high-level"; "low-level" languages are typically more machine-oriented and faster to execute, whereas "high-level" languages are more abstract and easier to use but execute less quickly. It is usually easier to code in "high-level" languages than in "low-level" ones.
Allen Downey, in his book How To Think Like A Computer Scientist, writes:
The details look different in different languages, but a few basic instructions appear in just about every language:
·         input: Get data from the keyboard, a file, or some other device.
·         output: Display data on the screen or send data to a file or other device.
·         arithmetic: Perform basic arithmetical operations like addition and multiplication.
·         conditional execution: Check for certain conditions and execute the appropriate sequence of statements.
·         repetition: Perform some action repeatedly, usually with some variation.
Many computer languages provide a mechanism to call functions provided by libraries such as in a .so. Provided the functions in a library follow the appropriate run time conventions (e.g., method of passing arguments), then these functions may be written in any other language.

What is Programming

Computer programming (often shortened to programming or coding) is the process of designing, writing, testing, debugging and maintaining the source code of computer programs. This source code is written in a programming language. The purpose of programming is to create a program that exhibits a certain desired behavior. The process of writing source code often requires expertise in many different subjects, including knowledge of the application domain, specialized algorithms and formal logic.